Water-Energy Nexus 2015

A scientific conference on the topic:
Title: Water-Energy Nexus: Leading Technologies for Water Treatment and Energy Production

October 12 2015 The Galilee Society, Shefa Amr – Israel


A conference on biotechnological and applied aspects of water and energy will be organized by the Galilee Society (regional R.&D. Center) and the ministry of science, technology and space (MOST) The objective of the conference is to bring together scientists from Israel and abroad to discuss critical issues in water and energy technology and research directions for addressing for water treatment and energy production.


The meeting will address water and energy technology according to the following themes:

• Micro-pollutants

• Energy production

The program will include invited speakers, contributed talks (to be selected from the submitted abstracts), poster sessions and discussions. Participating scientists will shed light on state-of-the-art research activities in their respective countries/institutions. The conference will provide a forum to encourage collaboration among the different groups including the preparation of joint, competitive research proposals, distance learning, and future relevant activities.

The organizing committee invites the conference of titles and abstracts related to the overall themes.

– Notification of Selection: The organizing committee will notify authors of their selection for an oral presentation or present a poster.

Submit Titles and abstracts

Abstracts: Use the attached format, do not exceed one page; include a short and informative title, name and affiliation of authors (underline the presenting author). Clearly state the definition of the research problem, the objectives, the proposed methodology, and the expected contribution to energy sector. Please indicate your preference for a poster or oral presentation.

– Final Program Announcement will be released.