The statistics provided by the Galilee Society are considered a cornerstone for future planning for our community. The statistical figures cover many aspects of life: population structure, housing conditions, housing crisis, labor force, living standards, education, culture, media, health, environment, identity, electoral participation and social capital. The data is disaggregated by geographical areas, taking into account town-size, including mixed cities and the unrecognized villages in the Naqab.
Survey Objectives
The socioeconomic survey’s goal is to provide up-to-date statistical data on the following subjects:
Demographic characteristics of the Palestinian population in Israel; their health situation; environmental hazards and conditions; educational characteristics; workforce and workforce participation characteristics; housing situation and conditions, as well as a wider look at the housing crisis; decision making in the household; standard and quality of life in Palestinian households in Israel; participation in municipal and national elections; social capital and social solidarity; self-identification; and finally, leisure and culture.
The survey sample was 1,890 Palestinian households, which were distributed according to the size of the statistical stratum, of which 930 households were in the North, (31 statistical areas from 28 towns), 330 households in Haifa district (11 statistical areas from 9 towns), 390 households in the South (13 statistical areas from 11 towns, of which 6 are unrecognized), and 240 households in the Center (8 statistical areas from 8 towns). Also included in the sample are the mixed cities of Haifa, Natseret Illit, Acre, Jaffa and Ramla (6 statistical areas which have 180 households); as well as the unrecognized villages in the Naqab. The data collection took place during the period of February to May 2017 by the fieldwork team.
In the first half of 2016, 1,421,500 Palestinians lived in Israel, making up around 17.2% of the population. Over the past decade the family structure of the Palestinians in Israel changed; families became smaller, and accordingly the percentage of children in the general population decreased. This change comes alongside an increase in the population aged 65 and over, and points to changes not only in the Palestinian family structure, but also in the population structure which is becoming older, despite children still making up a relatively large portion of the population. In addition, over the last decade, the marriage age of Palestinian women in Israel went up.
Housing and Housing Conditions
Data shows that over the past decade the percentage of persons living in private homes has gone down in favor of apartments. This data also points to the increase in high-rise buildings in Palestinian towns, as well as apartment living in mixed cities. An examination of the current and future housing needs of the community shows that current private land availability is not enough to meet those needs. This reality has led to social, familial and personal pressure in Palestinian towns in Israel, as well as distrust in the local and national State institutions.
The most remarkable phenomenon from the last decade is the increase, by more than two-thirds, of women participating in the workforce. Among employed women, a fifth are part-time employees and nearly half work in their field of qualification.
Download the full survey (Arabic and English) – [link]