Socio-Economic Survey of Palestinians in Israel 2004


It is with great pride that we present you with the first fruits of the “Rikaz – Statistical Databank,” in this important report, which summarizes the most significant findings of the Socio-Economic Survey of the Palestinian community inside Israel, conducted by “Rikaz” at the end of 2004. We consider this first-of-its-kind survey to be the crowning of the tremendous efforts and determined work undertaken over the years by the Galilee Society – The Arab National Society for Health Research and Services. This survey aims to derive long-range, strategic solutions to the problem of obtaining precise and accurate information on the Palestinian community from the community’s own perspective, in order to provide and use this information in an effective way in defending the rights and achieving continuous economic and community development


Part 1-4

Part 5 

Part 6

Part 7 

Part 8 

Part 9

Part 10 

Part 11  

Part 12

Part 13  

Part 14