The Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability at Bethlehem University (PIBS- BU), The Galilee Society (GS), and The Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People (PCR) announce the availability of research grants in areas of biodiversity and human and diversity. Funded, by the European Union Peacebuilding Initiative, the “Unity and Diversity in Nature and Society” project (ENI/148-412/2019) aims at promoting actions focused on the sustainability and regeneration of human and natural systems, through establishing three centers: a Biodiversity Center at PIBS (BC), a Human Diversity Center at PCR (HDC), and an Education Center at GS (EC). Applications are open to Palestinian and Israeli researchers. We encourage applications from female researchers, master as well as doctoral students, based on the following guidelines:

The following criteria will be considered by the independent reviewers in evaluating your proposal:
1) Collaborative research (especially involving/led by young people and women), affiliation with one of the and use the resources developed in one (preferably more than one) of the three centers (EC, BC, HDC)
2) Novelty and scientific merit of idea
3) Project Budget justified and reasonable for project activities (including) value for the money
4) Clear description of problem addressed (citing references)
5) Methodology clearly described and appropriate including project implementation plan
6) How will the project be translated to an educational module?
7) Change expected (outputs and outcome, deliverables)
8) Ability to do the work (judged from CV and background)
9) Overall feasibility, including ability of candidate to finalize project within proposed timeline (suggested 4-6 months)
Projects which to be excluded: Those with topics unrelated to human diversity and biodiversity and those with ethical issues (such as repeated work or conflicts of interests)
To apply, download form linked here , fill it and send by 20 May 2021 with CVs/resumes of researchers to with cc to Mr. Mohammed Abusarhan <>