In pride and with great responsibility, we present to you the latest report of “Rikaz – Statistical Data Bank” which summarizes the most important results of the fourth socio-economic survey of the Palestinian society in Israel, conducted in the mid-year 2014.
We consider this fourth survey as the culmination of our efforts and huge work done over the years by The Arab National Society for Health Research & Services in order to develop long-term strategy solutions to the problem of efficiency, accessibility and the availability of accurate information about the Palestinian society. The first socio-economic report was issued in 2005 and in order to have a complete picture of the situation it was followed by the comprehensive survey of Arab localities and its Local Authorities. While the series of socioeconomic surveys show the individuals and households characteristics, the series of the comprehensive surveys of Arab localities show the social characteristics of the Palestinian society and local authorities. The second socio-economic survey was released in 2008, followed by the third version in 2011, and then the second version of the comprehensive surveys of Arab localities and its local authorities in 2014. In 2013, a comprehensive study on violence phenomenon was released, the “Survey of violence and household relations within the Palestinian locality in Israel,” which shows the extent of violence of all kinds spreading into the household and society, the causes and the methods of treatment. These reports represent the monitoring of changes of the society, households, individuals and communities.