Mitigating the toxic activity of emerging substances in municipal sludge and animal manures for soil amendment using a combined biological treatment and advanced oxidation process. (Dr. 1Nedal Massalha, Isam Sabbah – supervisor; Post doctorate scholarship; Fund MOST; Budget: 240,000 IS; Project Duration: 2 years) |
Sustainable Development of Agricultural, Natural and Heritage Resources of Bet Natufa Valley: Towards a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. (Dr. Ramez Eid, Sari Asli – supervisor; Post doctorate scholarship; Fund MOST; Budget: 200,000 IS; Project Duration: 2 years) |
Membrane change by dietary means to improve the resistance of productive animals to environmental stresses (PI: Dr. Nurit Argov-Argaman, Hebrew University; Prof. Hassan Azaizeh, GS; Fund: MOA; Budget: 1,500,000 IS; GS Budget: 450,000 IS) |
Advanced wastewater treatment using a novel hybrid anaerobic membrane bioreactor and biomass immobilized foam (Dr. Katie Baranci-Karkaby, Prof. Isam Sabbah- supervisor; Post doctorate scholarship from MOST; Budget: 100,000 INS; Project Duration: one year) |
and identification of antibacterial and anti-virulent compounds with therapeutic potential against Helicobacter pylori )PI: Dr. Jeries Jadoun; Prof. Hassan Azaizeh (Co-PI), Dr. Sari Asli Fund: MOAG; Budget 1,000,000 IS; Project Duration: 3 years |
Willow (Salix Spp.): a New Forage Resource for Sami-arid Zone" (PI: Prof. Hassan Azaizeh; Fund: MERC; Budget 581,000 $, for GS: 95,450$.) |
Optimization of biological degradation of emerging micropollutants and pathogen removal in low-cost subsurface treatment units based on novel chemical and biological indicators (PI Dr. Jeries Jadoun; Co-PI: Prof. Hassan Azaizeh; Fund: MOST-BMBF; Budget: 219,700 € for GS) |
study of Polyphenols from Olive Mill Wastewater as sunscreen (Dr. Manal Haj-Zaroubi (PI), Prof. Hassan Azaizeh; Project for MSc student) |
Rapid identification of new anti-diabitic agents from natural sources with the help of a computerized method (Prof. Anwar Rayan, GS; Dr. Mezied Falah; Dr. Amir Bashkeen, Western Galilee Medical Center – Nahariya, Fund: Ministry for the Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee; Budget: 120,000 IS; GS Budget: 48,000 IS; Project Duration: two year) |
Development of polymers that inhibit mutant protein expression in pancreatic cancer cells KRAS (Prof. Anwar Rayan, GS; Dr. Ayelet Shai; Dr. Mezied Falah, Western Galilee Medical Center – Nahariya, Fund: Ministry for the Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee; Budget: 120,000 IS; GS Budget: 45,000 IS; Project Duration: two year) |
A new derivative of Texan is safer for effective treatment of lung cancer – a drug with fewer side effects (Prof. Anwar Rayan, GS; Fund: Israel Cancer Association (ISA) Budget: 75,000 IS, Project Duration: two year) |