מחקרים חדשים

Intensive saline aquaculture systems coupling electrochemical ammonia recovery, disinfection, and nutrient utilization
Aim of the project:  

This project focuses on saline recirculation aquaculture systems coupled with hydroponics agriculture and aims to develop a technology that enables utilizing saline water, recovering ammonia as a fertilizer, minimal use of water, limited waste discharge, and producing a high fish and plants yield with high quality.


Grant Amount: 605,556 $. 

Project Period: Status: Approved and Singed (4 Years).

Investigator(s) and Institution(s): 

  • Dr. Nedal Masalha (PI), The Institute of Applied Research, The Galilee Society.
  • Dr. Luna Al-Hadidi, NARC, Jordan.
  • Dr. El Shaer, H. M., DRC, Egypt.
  • Dr. Ronen, A., Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU).
  • Dr. Zilberg, D., Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU).
The use of olive mill wastewater (OMW) extract as a food additive for prevention or treatment of cryptosporidiosis and evaluation of its effect on physiological and immunological parameters in small ruminants

 Aim of the project: 

The current study aims to evaluate the potential of OMW extract as a food additive for the prevention or treatment of cryptosporidiosis and assess its effects on physiological and immunological parameters in small ruminants. To achieve this goal, both in vitro and in vivo studies with goats will be conducted.

Fund: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. 

Grant Amount:  690,000 NIS; GS amount 560,000 NIS.

Project Period: 2023 – 2027.

Investigator(s) and Institution (s):

  • Dr. Manal Haj-Zaroubi (PI), The Institute of Applied Research, The Galilee Society.
  • Prof. Sameer Mabjeesh (Co-PI), Ruminants Nutrition, The Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University.
  • Dr. Daniel Yasur Landau (Co-PI), Parasitology, the Kimron Veterinary Institute (KVI), The Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Prof. Hassan Azaizeh, Environmental Biotechnology & Microbiology, Tel Hai Academic College.
Multidisciplinary approach for evaluation of the carbon and greenhouse gases budgets in restored wetlands of Israel

Aim of the project: 

The current study aims is to evaluate the potential of restored wetlands in Israel, as a case study, to serve as a sink for carbon, without becoming a net source of GHG. To address this objective, multiple scientific approaches will be applied in a synergistic manner to assess fundamental aspects affecting the linkage between wetland stability and carbon cycling.

Grant Amount:  4,115,000 NIS; GS amount 672,405 NIS.

Project Period: 2023 – 2028.

Investigator(s) and Institution (s):

  • Dr. Keren Yanuka-Golub (Co-PI), The Institute of Applied Research, The Galilee Society. 
  • Yoav Rosenberg (PI), geological Survey of Israel.
  • Rotem Golan (PI), Agricultural Research Organization. 
  • Gilad Antler (Co-PI), Inter-University Institute, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
  • Elad Levintal (Co-PI), The Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
  • Alon Angert (Co-PI), Earth Sciences Institute, The Hebrew University.
Development of an educational program in the field of renewable energy, efficiency, and energy saving for high school students in the Arab society in Israel

Aim of the project:  

The research project focuses on promoting sustainable education by integrating renewable energy and energy-saving topics into the curriculum for middle schoo students and teachers in the Arab community in Israel. It aims to build a strong foundation for environmental awareness and commitment among future generations through innovative teaching methods and professional development programs.

Fund: Israeli Ministry of Energy.

Grant Amount: 197,625 NIS.

Project Period: 2023 –2025.

Investigator(s) and Institution(s): 

  • Prof. Muhammad Hugerat (PI), The Institute of Applied Research-Science Education Center, The Galilee Society. 
  • Dr. Sare Asli (Co-PI), The Institute of Applied Research-Science Education Center, The Galilee Society.  
The Determinants of Littering Behavior in public Spaces in Arab Towns in Israel

Aim of the project:  

The overall objective of the research is to identify the determinants of the littering behavior in Arab towns. Guided by the literature, the research suggests a multi-dimensional model that explores the effect of personal, situational, administrative, as well as demographic factors on littering behaviors. based on the study results, policy recommendations will be suggested for effective interventions to reduce the littering behavior in Arab towns. 

Grant Amount: 599,656 NIS.

Fund: The Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Research Period: 2024-2026.

Investigator(s) and Institution(s):

  • Amira Arraf (PI(, The Institute of Applied Research, The Galilee Society.
  • Dr. Katie Baransi Karkaby, The Institute of Applied Research, The Galilee Society.
  • Prof. Maya Negev, School of Public Health, University of Haifa.
  • Omar Assi, The Institute of Applied Research, The Galilee Society.
  • Naama Lev, School of Public Health, University of Haifa.