A team of European researchers and engineers initiated the ULTIMATE project to turn wastewater into a resource. This initiative is co-financed by the European Commission and started in June 2020. The aim is to create economic value and increase sustainability by valorising resources within the water cycle.
“ULTIMATE is a 4-year Horizon2020 project under the EU Water in the Context of the Circular Economy programme”, says senior researcher Gerard van den Berg, coordinator of the ULTIMATE project from KWR Water Research Institute in the Netherlands. Van den Berg explains that “We have mobilised a strong partnership of water utilities, industry, technology providers, business developers and applied research institutes. We aim to create economic and sustainability value by valorising resources from the water cycle.”
ULTIMATE: indUstry water-utiLiTy for a sMarter wATer society. (Prof. Isam Sabbah and Dr. Katie Baransi-Karkaby; European partners; Fund: Horizon 2020; GS Grant Amount: 407,000 €; Project Duration: 3 years, starts in 2020).