Chemical Engineering. Area of specialization: Modification of desalination membranes for improved performance, Technion.
Research Activities
Combining membrane bio-reactor MBR with anaerobic processes AnMBR.
Biological biogas upgrading.
Combining advanced oxidation processes (i.e., photocatalysis) and adsorption processes for the reduction of toxic compounds from water.
Developing a closed loop system of organic waste management integrating descentralized Home & Community Composting systems with Urban Agriculture.
1.Yanuka-Golub K., Baransi-Karkaby K., Szczupak A., Reshef L., Rishpon J., Shechter R., Gophna U.; Sabbah. I. “An electrode-assisted anaerobic digestion process for the production of high quality biogas”. Water Science and Technology, 2019, 79.11: 2145-2155. IF= 1.247
2.Baransi-Karkaby K., Bass M., Freger V. “In Situ Modification of Reverse Osmosis Membrane Elements for Enhanced Removal of Multiple Micropollutants”. Membranes 2019, 9(2), 28. Open Access Journal CiteScore 2018 (Scopus): 3.28.
3.Baransi-Karkaby, K., Hassanin, M., Muhsein, S., Massalha, N., Sabbah, I. (2020). Innovative ex-situ biological biogas upgrading using immobilized biomethanation bioreactor (IBBR). Water Science & Technology, 81 (6), 1319–1328. (IF= 1.632, Q3, CN=2).
Personal Statement
Dr. Katie Baransi Karkaby is in the early stage of her scientific career. Dr. Baransi-Karkaby’s research interests are physico-chemical and biological processes of engineered aquatic systems, principles and applications. Research areas include:
1. Combining advanced oxidation processes (i.e., photocatalysis) and adsorption processes for the reduction of toxic compounds from water, especially for decomposition of endocrine disruptors. And also, for developing innovative disinfection technologies based on heterogeneous photocatalysis.
2. Combining biological and physico-chemical processes for wastewater treatment. Focusing on anaerobic membrane bioreactor-AnMBR for advanced wastewater applications, while recovering energy in the form of biogas.
3. Biological biogas upgrading using innovative biological approach in which CO2 is reduced to methane by the hydrogenotrophic methanogens using H2 as electron donor.
4. Developing a new framework of organic waste management integrating decentralized Home & Community Composting systems with Urban Agriculture.
5. In-situ modification of desalination membranes for improved performance.
B. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications (last 5 years)
1. Baransi-Karkaby, K., Hassanin, M., Raanan-Kiperwas, H., Massalha, N., & Sabbah, I. (2024). Methane production from anaerobic pre-treatment of municipal wastewater combined with olive mill wastewater – Demonstration study. Water Science and Technology. (Under revision)
2. Baransi-Karkaby, K., Yanuka-Golub, K., Hassanin, M., Muhsein, S., Massalha, N., & Sabbah, I. (2024). In-situ biological biogas upgrading using upflow anaerobic polyfoam bioreactor (UAPB): Operational and biological aspects. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 1–13.
3. Asi, O., Daskal, S., Sabbah, I., Ayalon, O., & Baransi-Karkaby, K. (2024). Decentralized Composting Analysis Model—The Qualitative Analysis Path. Sustainability, 16(9), 3626.
4. Shimshoni, S., Baransi-Karkaby, K., Yanuka-Golub, K., Azaizeh, H., Hassanin, M., & Sabbah, I. (2024). Conductive adsorbents enhance phenol removal from wastewater by direct interspecies electron transfer “DIET”-based anaerobic biodegradation process. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 112222.
5. Daskal, S., Asi, O., Sabbah, I., Ayalon, O., & Baransi-Karkaby, K. (2022). Decentralized Composting Analysis Model—Benefit/Cost Decision-Making Methodology. Sustainability, 14(24), 16397.
6. Baransi-Karkaby, K., Hassanin, M., Muhsein, S., Massalha, N., & Sabbah, I. (2020). Innovative ex-situ biological biogas upgrading using immobilized biomethanation bioreactor (IBBR). Water Science and Technology, 81(6), 1319–1328.
7. Yanuka-Golub, K., Baransi-Karkaby, K., Szczupak, A., Reshef, L., Rishpon, J., Shechter, R., & Gophna, U.; Sabbah, I. (2019). An electrode-assisted anaerobic digestion process for the production of high-quality biogas. Water Science and Technology, 79(11), 2145–2155.
8. Baransi-Karkaby, K., Bass, M., & Freger, V. (2019). In situ modification of reverse osmosis membrane elements for enhanced removal of multiple micropollutants. Membranes, 9(2), 28.
C. Research Support (last three years)
2025-2027 Sustainable management and treatment of sheep-goats waste in the Arab communities, economic and environmental aspects, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and rural development. (PI)
2024-2027 The Determinants of Littering Behavior in public Spaces in Arab Towns in Israel, funded by The Ministry of Environmental Protection. (Co-PI)
2020-2025 Israel-US Collaborative Water-Energy Research Center (Israel-US CoWERC), funded by the U.S.-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation. (Co-PI).
2020-2024 ULTIMATE, indUstry water-utiLiTy symbIosis for sMarter wATer society, funded by EU-Horizon 2020. (Co-PI).
2020-2023 Upgrading waste-derived biogas production through big-data, genomic driven community engineering, funded by Ministry of science and technology, cleantech. (PI).
2019- 2023 DECOST, Decentralized Composting in Small Towns, funded by the European Union under ENI CBC MED PROGRAMME. (Researcher).
2019-2022 Tracking the dynamics of bioremediation processes in soil through integrated use of electro chemical anaerobic reactors and genomic based modeling, funded by ISF-NSFC. (Collaborator).